It is designed for finding out the deformation and strains on 15cms. diameter and 30 cms. high cement concrete cylinders when subjected to compressive loads.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-038037 - (Longitudinal Compressometer For Testing Lab)Looper’s mimicry life circle....
Product Code: Education1093 - (Looper�s mimicry life circle)Lorentz force demonstrator....
Product Code: Education0465 - (Lorentz force demonstrator)Los Angeles Abrasion Machine....
Product Code: NMT0245 - (Los Angeles Abrasion Machine)Los Angeles Abrasion Machine....
Product Code: NE1199 - (Los Angeles Abrasion Machine)Los Angeles Machine....
Product Code: NLE-Export-041001 - (Los Angeles Machine For Testing Lab)The machine consists of a hallow cylinder mounted horizontally on a sturdy frame on ball bearings.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-036009 - (Los Angles Abrasion Testing Machine For Testing Lab)Losses Due To Friction In Pipe Line....
Product Code: NLE-Export-179022 - (Losses Due To Friction In Pipe Line)Losses Due To Pipe Fittings....
Product Code: NLE-Export-179023 - (Losses Due To Pipe Fittings)Losses Due to Pipe Fittings....
Product Code: Fluid Equipments0005 - (Losses Due to Pipe Fittings)Losses in Bends and Fittings....
Product Code: NED073 - (Losses in Bends and Fittings)Technical Description The unit is used for the investigation of pressure losses in bends,....
Product Code: NLE-Export-205023 - (Losses In Bends And Fittings- Engineering Lab Training Systems)Losses In Pipe Friction Apparatus....
Product Code: NLE-Export-202010 - (Losses In Pipe Friction Apparatus)Technical Description The friction loss occurs at elbows, bends, shut-off devices and also at special pipe fittings such as a thermostatic valve or a reducer. The pressure differences can be shown on a multiple water tube manometer as head loss. The panel uses a closed water circuit with supply tank and pump. A supply of mains electricity is necessary for operation.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-162025 - (Losses in Pipe Systems and Fittings Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Losses in Pipes Apparatus....
Product Code: NLE-Export-179008 - (Losses in Pipes Apparatus)Low Cost 8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit For Electrical Lab Training....
Product Code: NLE-Export-101001 - (Low Cost 8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit For Electrical Lab Training)Low cost In Circuit Emulator For Electrical Lab Training....
Product Code: NLE-Export-120001 - (Low cost In Circuit Emulator For Electrical Lab Training)Low Temperature Thermometer....
Product Code: NEG026 - (Low Temperature Thermometer)Lower Jaw With Teeth....
Product Code: NLE-Export-007068 - (Lower Jaw With Teeth)12x9x1” thick board with S.S. Top, side adjustable strips for various thickness. Hard wood roller, fraction punch of size 8,9,12 to 16mm( set of 3)....
Product Code: NLE-Export-131097 - (Lozenges Board Roller And Punch Laboratory Equipments Supplies)LPG Fuel Circuit- Engineering Lab Training Systems....
Product Code: NLE-Export-151004 - (LPG Fuel Circuit- Engineering Lab Training Systems)LPG Timed Sequential Injection- Engineering Lab Training Systems....
Product Code: NLE-Export-151005 - (LPG Timed Sequential Injection- Engineering Lab Training Systems)Lubrication Training Unit- Engineering Lab Training Systems....
Product Code: NLE-Export-128006 - (Lubrication Training Unit- Engineering Lab Training Systems)6”x4” transparent perspex bath with drain pipe. Supplied with silver electronics and adjustable lever with after load screw.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-132091 - (Lucas Moist Chamber Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Luminosity Transducer and Controlluminosity Transducer and Control....
Product Code: NMT0127 - (Luminosity Transducer and Controlluminosity Transducer and Control)Lung with blood vessels injected....
Product Code: Education0056 - (Lung with blood vessels injected)Luxury Electric Blanket Ministerial Tender Board Equipment, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Lab Tenders Suppliers India....
Product Code: NLE-Export-175005 - (Luxury Electric Blanket)