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Luminosity Transducer and Controlluminosity Transducer and Control

Luminosity Transducer and Controlluminosity Transducer and Control


Luminosity Transducer and Controlluminosity Transducer and Control Description and Tender Specification:

Luminosity Transducer and Controlluminosity Transducer and Control.
Characteristics of the transducers and conditioners: - Luminosity input range 0-300 Lux; - Output voltage range 0-8 V; PID controller with independent P, I, D actions; Potentiometers for independent setting of the P, I, and D parameters, with wide regulation margins; Output terminals for control of the actuator in the external unit; 8-pole DIN socket for connection to the external unit; 8-pole DIN connection cable.
DIM.: 386x248x40 mm;
Power Supply: ± 12 Vdc / 0.5A; 30 Vdc / 1A;
