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Clean Room Equipments Manufacturer and Suppliers India

Clean Room Equipments Manufacturers India - Laboratory Supplies - Importer & Supplier of Clean Room Equipments & Grossing Table. Our product range also comprises of Oil And Petroleum Testing Instruments, Physics Lab Instrument and Chemistry Lab Instrument, civil engineering laboratory equipments suppliers Ministerial Tender Board Equipment, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Lab Tenders Suppliers India Engineering Technical Training and School Lab Kits Tenders Syria, Trinidad Tobago, UAE, Guinea-Bissau, Reunion, Suppliers China, Clean Room Equipments China Suppliers School Science Didactic Laboratory Equipments Suppliers China, Clean Room Equipments Manufacturers in India, Clean Room Equipments Exporters in India, Clean Room Equipments Suppliers in India, Clean Room Equipments Leading Manufacturers in Ambala India, Clean Room Equipments for School Didactic Lab and Science School Didactic Lab Tenders from Ambala India Manufacturer and Suppliers

Grossing Table

Grossing Table, These surgical pathology work stations are useful for examining surgical specimens. The contaminated air & formalin vapors from work table is sucked out by built-in blowers. Provided with lighting system, swivelled-magnifier, SS table, Sink & Tap, metric ruler, shelf, drawers and storage compartment under table, Towel/Tissue paper stand and waste bin. The working area sides are made from acrylic material. Widely used, as it is very convenient for “Grossing Work in Histopathology”. Working Area :– L × W × H                          4' × 3' × 3'                         6' × 3' × 3'                         5' × 2.5' × 3'  Optional Accessories  • Built in U.V. Germicidal Light  • Exhaust duct upto 6'.....

Product Code: DIDACTICLABNLE-Export-188001
Bulk buy Grossing Table from Suppliers in India

Catalog Link: https://www.didacticlabequipments.com/grossing-table

