Buckling Tester- Engineering Lab Training Systems....
Product Code: NLE-Export-126091 - (Buckling Tester- Engineering Lab Training Systems)Buckling Tester- Engineering Lab Training Systems....
Product Code: NLE-Export-063018 - (Buckling Tester- Engineering Lab Training Systems)Bulk Density Apparatus from India....
Product Code: NLE-Export-880061 - (Bulk Density Apparatus)Bulk Density Apparatus Specially designed to study, the packing down of powder beds of different pharmaceuticals and chemicals in the process of tablet manufacturing, capsule filling & cosmetics. Installed with an automatic device for preset of strokes. Gear driven Noiseless and strudy motor, also provided with an electrically timer Elengantly designed for smooth operation electrically operated on 230V AC, 50 Hz.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-131029 - (Bulk Density Apparatus Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Digital Model with programmable drop counter and buzzer. Rest of the specification are same as above.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-131030 - (Bulk Density Apparatus Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Bulk packing safe and convenient to handle for solids and liquids Other Information Packaging Details: javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle('kelly2')....
Product Code: NLE-Export-124009 - (Bulk Packs)Bull Leader & Bull Ring Bull Leader Heavy duty cast aluminium with study spring. Brass Stainless Steel Aluminium Bull Ring Stainless steel bull rings 2 ½" x 5/16" 2 3/4" x 5/16" 3" x 5/16....
Product Code: NLE-Export-181001 - (Bull Leader & Bull Ring)Bump Test Machine from India....
Product Code: NLE-Export-880287 - (Bump Test Machine)Bundesmann Water Repellency Tester For Testing Lab Workshop....
Product Code: NLE-Export-600001 - (Bundesmann Water Repellency Tester For Testing Lab)Burette Double Clamp(Alloy, Plastic Plated)....
Product Code: Education0642 - (Burette Double Clamp(Alloy, Plastic Plated))With straight bore glass key stopcock, class 'A' DIN 12700 Class ‘A’ Cat No. Cap.ml Sub Div. ml 91252/1 10 0.05 91252/2 25 0.10 91252/3 50 0.10 91252/4 100 0.20 Class ‘B’ Cat No. Cap.ml Sub Div. ml 91252/5 10 0.05 91252/6 25 0.10 91252/7 50 0.10 91252/8 100 0.20....
Product Code: NLE-Export-134112 - (Burette Laboratory Equipments Supplies)With screw type rotaflow stopcock, class 'AS' DIN 12700 Class ‘A’ Class ‘A’ Cat No. Cap.ml Sub Div. ml 91253/1 10 0.05 91253/2 25 0.10 91253/3 50 0.10 91253/4 100 0.20 Class ‘B’ Cat No. Cap.ml Sub Div. ml 91253/5 10 0.05 91253/6 25 0.10 91253/7 50 0.10 91253/8 100 0.20....
Product Code: NLE-Export-134113 - (Burette Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Cat No. Cap. ml Sub Div. ml 91251/1 10 0.05 91251/2 25 0.10 91251/3 50 0.10 91251/4 100 0.20....
Product Code: NLE-Export-134111 - (Burette Rods Without Stopcock Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Burette Rota Flow-Single Bore Laboratory Equipments Supplies....
Product Code: NLE-Export-021009 - (Burette Rota Flow-Single Bore Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Burette Stop Cock Borosilicate Glass Laboratory Equipments Supplies....
Product Code: NLE-Export-021008 - (Burette Stop Cock Borosilicate Glass Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Made of steam beach wood.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-135086 - (Burette/ Funnel Wooden Stand Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Bursting Strength Tester from India....
Product Code: NLE-Export-880044 - (Bursting Strength Tester)Bursting Strength Tester (Digital) For Testing Lab Workshop....
Product Code: NLE-Export-670002 - (Bursting Strength Tester (Digital) For Testing Lab)Bursting Strength Tester....
Product Code: NLE-Export-320002 - (Bursting Strength Tester For Testing Lab)Bursting Strength Tester For Testing Lab (Analog Type) Workshop....
Product Code: NLE-Export-670001 - (Bursting Strength Tester For Testing Lab (Analog Type))We are engaged in offering a wide range of bursting strength tester, which is specially designed to find bursting strength of fabric, leather, paper and paperboard. Bursting strength is defined as the hydrostatic pressure required producing rapture of the material when pressure is applied on one of its surfaces at a controlled increasing rate through a rubber diaphragm.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-045002 - (Bursting Strength Tester Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Bursting strength is a reliable index of the strength and performance of materials like paper, paper boards, corrugated boards and boxes, solid fibreboards, filter cloth, industrial fabric, leather, rexine, etc. Bursting strength tester is ideal for testing a wide range of materials to determine their quality, strength and performance. Bursting strength tester is easy to operate. It is scientifically calibrated for reliability. It is widely used by industries and institutions and stands out as a proven and reliable equipment. Two- in-one :fitted with special rubber diaphragms, for testing materials with lower as well as higher test values accurately. ( ranges 0-7 and 0-35 kg/cm2).....
Product Code: NLE-Export-045003 - (Bursting Strength Tester Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Digital Bursting Strength Testerh Tester is highly accurate and gives high levels of repeatability and consistency in results. Bursting Strength Tester is user friendly and it's ease of operation makes it a highly acceptable standard equipment. A highly recommended equipment for all quality conscious labs.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-045001 - (Bursting Strength Testers Laboratory Equipments Supplies)Button attaching sewing machine....
Product Code: GTT-LAB-0007 - (Button attaching sewing machine)Button Hole Lock Stitch Machine....
Product Code: NLE-Export-202061 - (Button Hole Lock Stitch Machine)Button hole Lock stitch Machine Ministerial Tender Board Equipment, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Lab Tenders Suppliers India....
Product Code: GTT-LAB-0004 - (Button hole Lock stitch Machine)Button Snap Pull Tester from India....
Product Code: NLE-Export-880214 - (Button Snap Pull Tester)Button Snap Pull Tester For Testing Lab Workshop....
Product Code: NLE-Export-650001 - (Button Snap Pull Tester For Testing Lab)Butyro Refractometer physilab Butyro Refrectometer :-Measurement of fats in oil and other such products giving a reading directly in terms of the oil scale also known as butyro scale, the micrometer eye-piece allows an accuracy on this scale of 0.1 and the oil scale may also be converted into a refractive index scale using conversion tables. This allows measurements on materials with index of refraction in the range of 1.42 to 1.49 with an accuracy of 0.0002 as tables are supplied for converting oil scale reading into index of refraction, relative to mean sodium lines.The prism box is water jacketed for temperature control and a sample axiomatizing device enables the removal of all colours from the border lines thus enabling the instrument to be used with white light.....
Product Code: NLE-Export-009066 - (Butyro Refractometer Laboratory Equipments Supplies)