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Water Stage Level Recorders- Engineering Lab Training Systems

Water Stage Level Recorders- Engineering Lab Training Systems


Water Stage Level Recorders- Engineering Lab Training Systems Description and Tender Specification:

Water Stage Level Recorders- Engineering Lab Training Systems.
It is highly sensitive precision instrument which Is a scientific aid to be installed at gauging sites on canal systems to regulate discharge for retticient management. It can also record of valuing levels of reservoirs, wells, streams, and rivers etc.A floating object, in protected location, is lifted or lowered continuously by varying level. This up and down movement of the float can be transmitted to a pulley through a float line running over it and having a counter weight to facilitate movement of the pulley. The circular movement of the Pulley equals the vertical movement of the float can be transmitted to a chart drum directly. Aclock driven pen moving across thechart drum at constant speed at right angles to the direction of the angular movement, continuously records the change in water level time.(a) Daily type(b) Weekly type.
