Vortex Flow meter.
Vortex Flow meter
[1] Experimental set-up for the comparison of various
continuous and intermittent flow meters [2] lxwxh 850x640x1150mm, 25kg
[3] Vortex flow meter with flow
oscillating back and forth, made visible with ink [4] Measuring tank
with stop watch and digital scales for intermittent flow rate
measurement (gravimetric and volumetric) [5] Variable
area flow meter (rota meter)
[6] 220V, 50Hz. 1 phase, CAD/CAM LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS, educational cnc
milling machines manufacturers, educational cnc LATHE machines
manufacturers, Strength of Material Testing equipment supplier,
mechanical engineering laboratory equipments suppliers, soil, bitumen,
concrete testing, civil engineering laboratory equipments suppliers