Vicat Softening Point Apparatus For Testing Lab Workshop.
Vicat Softening Point Apparatus -
Vicat softening temperature of plastics is the temperature at which a
standard flat-ended indenter penetrates one millimeter into the surface
of the material under test under a specified load. The test is
conducted by placing a test specimen taken from the sample under test on
a flat platform inside a liquid bath and applying compression load over
its upper face through a flat-ended indenter. The load is applied by
placing a dead weight on the upper end of the indenter. After the test
specimen attains the temperature of the bath, the bath temperature is
increased gradually till the indenter penetrates by exactly 1 mm into
the test specimen. The bath temperature in ºC at which this happens is
reported as the Vicat Softening Temperature of the sample under test.
The Vicat Softening Point Apparatus (High Temperature Model) consists
of a specimen support, weights, a deflection measuring device, and an
immersion bath.
specimen support consists of a circular supporting plate on which the
specimen is kept and a loading plate having a bush for guiding a
vertical rod carrying a hardened indenting tip. The two plates are
joined together with spacer rods of same material (brass) as indenting
rod so that they have identical co-efficient of linear expansion. The
indenting rod is fitted with a disc near its top to place the dead
weight on. Two circular dead weights are provided to enable loads of 1
kg or 5 kg to be applied on the test specimen. A dial gauge is provided
above the rod to measure the indentation of the tip into the test
specimen by gauging the movement of the rod.
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