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Vectorial Field-Oriented Control Servomechanism for Asynchronous Three-Phase Motor

Vectorial Field-Oriented Control Servomechanism for Asynchronous Three-Phase Motor


Vectorial Field-Oriented Control Servomechanism for Asynchronous Three-Phase Motor Description and Tender Specification:

Vectorial Field-Oriented Control Servomechanism for Asynchronous Three-Phase Motor.
Motor Unit Characteristics: Metal base; Nominal phase voltages 3x230 V; Three-phase asynchronous motor with squirrel cage rotor; Nominal speed: 3000 r.p.m.
DIM.: 400x120x170 mm - Weight: about 10 kg;
Power Supply: Three-phase 415 V ±10% 50/60 Hz;
Max power: about 1.5 kVA;
