Universal Vibration System- Engineering Lab Training Systems.
Technical Description
The instructional system covers a wide
range of topics in mechanical vibration technology. It is mounted on a
sturdy, low-vibration aluminum sectional frame which is installed on a
rolling laboratory trolley with braked wheels. Quick fastening elements
for the formed grooves for quick and accurate experimental set-up.
Forced vibration is generated with an electrical motor-driven unbalance
exciter. The exciter frequency can be set precisely on a control unit
with digital display. An oil damper is used for vibration abatement. A
bar-type oscillator that can be adjusted with weights is included for
absorber experiments. A mechanical drum and a polar diagram recorder
record the vibration. The single parts are stored in the protective
storage compartments of the laboratory trolley. The external
computer-aided PC data acquisition and a practice set for torsional
vibrations are available as accessories.