Universal Strut Apparatus.
Universal Strut Apparatus
Reversible hardened load blocks are provided so that the struts can be tested under the following conditions:
1. Both ends pinned.
2. Both ends fixed.
3. One end pinned, one end fixed.
Technical specifications
The apparatus has been designed to accommodate struts of suitable lengths within the range 400/800 mm.
The struts are rectangular in section, thus ensuring that the deflection occurs in a predetermined plane.
The load is applied to the strut by means of a spring balance and a loading beam.
The beam pivots on a nut which can be
adjusted vertically so that the beam can be maintained in the horizontal
position during loading, thus ensuring that a true axial load can be
supplied throughout the test.
A light lateral load is applied to the
strut to ensure the direction of deflection, the magnitude of which can
then be measured by means of a dial indicator.
One set of struts for each end condition is supplied with the apparatus.
One set of masses.
Experiment manual
Optional equipments :
A set of load blocks, bushes and specimens are available to allow experiments to be conducted on round specimens.
Dimensions and weight
880 x 580 x 1240 mm approx.
Net Weight : 56 kg
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