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Universal Governor Apparatus

Universal Governor Apparatus


Universal Governor Apparatus Description and Tender Specification:

Universal Governor Apparatus.

Universal Governor Apparatus The setup consists of a drive Motor & governor spindle mounted vertically on a rigid baseplate. A belt & set of reduction pulleys drive the governor at lower speed than the motor.Set of different governor mechanisms are provided to be mounted on spindle. A graduated scale is fixed to the sleeve and guided in vertical direction. The center sleeve of the porter and proell governor incorporates a weight sleeve to which weights may be added. The Hartnell governor provides means of varying spring rate and initial Compression level. This enables the Hartnell governor, to be operated as a stable or unstable governor. The governor speed is increased in steps to give suitable sleeve movements possible. The speeds and sleeve movement are recorded. The readings are repeated at each stage. The result may be plotted as curves of speed against sleeve position. Further tests are carried out by changing the value of variable at a time to produce a family of curves.  Experimental Capabilities: • Determination of characteristic curve of sleeve position against speed of rotation. • Derivation of the actual controlling force curves from the above characteristic and comparison with theoretically predicted controlling force curves, • The effect of varying the mass of the center sleeve. (For Porter and Proell Governors)• The effect of varying initial spring compression (For Hartnell Governor.) Technical Specifications: • Drive Unit- D.C. motor  0.25 hp. 0-1500 RPM• Speed Control Unit • Belt and Pulley system to give spindle speed 1 00 to 500 rpm.• Governor mechanisms:  - Watt - Porter  - Hartnell - Proell • Set of weights• Springs: 2 nos. of different stiffness of same length. 

Universal Governor Apparatus - The setup consists of a drive Motor and governor spindle mounted vertically on a rigid baseplate.
