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Transistor Application Trainer

Transistor Application Trainer


Transistor Application Trainer Description and Tender Specification:

Transistor Application Trainer.
•  Covers the basic applications of transistors such as BJT,
•  On-board resources such as Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor,
Diode and Potentiometer banks of different values are
•  On-board regulated variable and isolated power supplies

•  Dual DC 0 to 30V variable On-Board power supply.
•  Application study of different types of Transistors includes NPN, BC-107, 2N2222 and BD-138 PNP Transistor and power Transistor like SL-100
•  Also other types of Transistors such as FET (BFW10), MOSFET (IRF Z44N) and UJT (2N-2646) are available on board.
•  Resistors Capacitors Inductors bank
•  Potentiometer bank
•  Diodes bank (Rectifier Diode, Zener Diode and LED)

•  To identify and check type of transistor NPN, PNP
•  BJT as Switch
•  Logic gates using BJT
•  BJT as a DC amplifier

•  CE amplifier - frequency response, signal handling capacity, input and output impedance
•  Cascade amplifier - frequency response, signal handling capacity, input and output impedance
•  Single Stage CB amplifier gain Vs frequency

Feedback amplifier
•  Voltage series feedback (negative) amplitude, frequency response, input and output impedance calculation
•  Voltage shunt feedback (negative) amplitude, frequency response, input and output impedance calculation
•  Current series feedback (negative) amplitude, frequency response, input and output impedance calculation
•  Class-A /Class-B power amplifier
•  Fixed bias amplifier using BJT
•  Design and construct BJT common emitter amplifier using voltage divider bias (self-bias) with and without bypass emitter resistors
•  Design and construct BJT common collector amplifier using voltage divider bias (self-bias)
•  RC coupled amplifier
•  Emitter follower amplifier
•  Darlington amplifier
•  Oscillator
•  Multi-vibrator

Series andshunt regulator, calculate ripple factor

•  FET common source amplifiers, gain versus frequency, bandwidth, input /output impedance and maximum signal handling capacity
•  Common drain FET amplifier, frequency response, signal handling capacity, input and output impedance
•  FET biasing circuit (self, voltage divider, fixed )
•  UJT relaxation oscillator / UJT saw-tooth generator
•  Construct different bias circuit and analyze the wave form
   a) Fixed bias b) Emitter bias c ) Voltage divider bias
•  Transistor as switch with timing calculation
•  Verify digital logic gate using transistor (NOT, NAND, NOR)
•  DC amplifier
•  Transistor time delay circuit
•  Schmitt trigger circuit
•  Frequency response of single tuned coupled circuit (tuned class C)
•  Bootstrap sweep circuit
•  Sweep wave generator
