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Set of protection relays for high-voltage and low

Set of protection relays for high-voltage and low


Set of protection relays for high-voltage and low Description and Tender Specification:

Set of protection relays for high-voltage and low.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a maximum current
relay in a three-phase network with different current values, verification of trip time.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a short-circuit
current relay in a three-phase network with different current
values, verification of trip time.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a single-phase
maximum or minimum current relay,
verification of trip time
for maximum and minimum current.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a maximum or
minimum DC relay, verification of trip time for maximum and minimum current.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a maximum
and minimum voltage relay in a three-phase network with
neutral, verification of trip time for maximum and minimum voltage.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a single-phase
maximum or minimum voltage relay,
verification of trip time
for maximum and minimum voltage.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a maximum
and minimum DC voltage relay, verification of trip time for
maximum and minimum voltage.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a maximum and
minimum frequency relay, verification of its operation at
maximum and minimum voltage.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a phase
sequence and voltage asymmetry relay in a three-phase
network, verification of its operation with wrong sequence
and in non-asymmetric conditions or missing phase.
• Connections and study of the behaviour of a maximum
current directional relay in a three-phase network,
verification of its operation with reverse current fl ow and
as directional of maximum earth current (suitable for lines
and generators).
Accessories supplied:
• 1 box for modules of aluminiun section and varnished sheet
steel with transversal feet to lay on benches mod. TSI-2/EV
• 1 variable single/three-phase power supply of 0-430 Vac /
0-500 Vdc 5A for tests on voltage and current relays mod.
• 1 digital power analyzer suitable to balanced or unbalanced
systems with or without neutral. Suitable to measure
voltages, currents, apparent, active and reactive powers,
maximum active, reactive and apparent power peaks,
counting of active and reactive power, co-generation
meters. The analyzer is provided with two programmable
relays with minimum or maximum alarm functions between
the measured parameters mod. AZ-VIP.
• 2 digital autorange multimeters
• 1 desk-type three-phase rheostat 3x500 W, 3x50, for tests
on current relays.
• Set of 40 cables with safety terminals ø 4 mm
