Refrigerated Water Bath
With their PID microprocessor system and pump, temperature precision is
optimized, as well as assisting in fast temperature changes when using
the optional 9 step controller. The optional NüveTherm™ data control
software enables remote control of the water bath and tracking of actual
run conditions, ideal when traceability is important.T he top of the
circulation pump housing incorporates a tray, convenient for exchanging
samples or placing clips and other small items. An optional external
circulation pump converts these water baths into thermostatic systems,
heating or cooling, for other equipment.
Choice of 14 and 30 liter volumes
Wide temperature range 0-80 °C
Powerful internal circulation pump for homogeneous temperatures
Optional 9 step (time/temperature) control system with 9 memories for fast recall
Optional external circulation system
Optional 9 step (time/temperature) control system with 9 memories for fast recall.