Process Training Unit- Engineering Lab Training Systems Ministerial Tender Board Equipment, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Lab Tenders Suppliers India.
The Process Trainers are “hands on” training units for process
operators and maintenance technicians. The units are built to duplicate
“real world” operating equipment and consists of separate functions all
integrated into a compact, effective training unit in order to train
personnel in the process industry in a safe manner. The units consists
of the following component sections:
(A) Pumps – There are two ANSI process pumps mounted in parallel on the trainer.
& Piping – The trainer is equipped with two tanks and associated
interconnecting piping. All tanks and piping are stainless steel to
minimize corrosion.
(C) Level Control – The Process Trainer is equipped with a level control loop, which controls the level in the top receiver.
(D) Pressure Control – The unit is equipped with a pressure control loop.
(E) Flow Control – The trainer has an orifice flow control loop on it. The flow is controlled to the overhead tank.
Temperature Control – A temperature control system/loop is provided
with the trainer. The system consists of a side stream, which flows
through a fixed wattage heater. For safety reasons, the heating unit is
equipped with a high temperature shutdown and an over pressure relief
(G) PLC – The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). It is
integrated to all the control loop functions of the trainer. As
received, it is programmed to operate the system, as well as provide
cascading abilities between various loops. If desired, it can also be
equipped and programmed to provide supervisory interlock functions.
Process Trainers are capable of a minimum of 38 specific training and
educational functions with an endless number of potential variables for
trouble shooting scenarios on piping, valves, flanges, flow, level,
pressure, electrical,instrument, pneumatics, It is endless what can be
taught on this all around trainer.
Basic Process Trainers: Total Training Unit
CTT – Custom Model
ETT – Educational Model
CTT-RS – Educational Model W/ Remote Supervision
CTT-FB – Educational Model W/ Field Bus
Total Training Unit Add Ons
PHT – pH Training Module
DIT – De-Ionization Training Module
DST – De-Salination