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Multi-Purpose Teaching Flume- Engineering Lab Training Systems

Multi-Purpose Teaching Flume- Engineering Lab Training Systems


Multi-Purpose Teaching Flume- Engineering Lab Training Systems Description and Tender Specification:

Multi-Purpose Teaching Flume- Engineering Lab Training Systems.
Technical Description Using the Multi-Purpose Teaching Flume in conjunction with the comprehensive accessories, the behaviour of flows can be demonstrated in numerous experiments. This makes it possible for researchers and students to carry out experiments, above all, in the area of open flume structures in hydraulic engineering. The measuring section of the base unit is 2.5 m long and has transparent side walls. This can be extended to 5 m by adding an additional element. Important elements of the Multi-Purpose Teaching Flume are the specially shaped inlet area by means of which a homogeneous flow is obtained, a centrifugal pump for setting up the water circuit, a flow rate measuring device and a manual inclination adjustment mechanism designated to compensate flow losses or to simulate natural slope.                                                                                                         Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments manufacturers
