Mill Train.
Mill Train.
exclusively designed and developed the Trainer series for learing
purpose. It is a combination of both learning with complete knowledge of
producing the high precision components.
Control System
Standard package :- SIEMENS SYSTEM
Control System Optional
- Fanuc Controls
- Mistubishi Controls
- PC based controls
- 808 new version
- GSK controls (china make controls)
- FAGOR controls
- Special systems on specific requirements of educational institution can be provided
Standard Accessories
- CNC System with axis motors and drives
- Spindle with induction motor/servo motor
- Chip collector with chip bin
- Coolant System
- Lubrication system
Optional Accessories
- Automatic Tool Changer
- Chip conveyor with chip bin
- Tooling system with tools
- Voltage Stabilizer
- Air Compressor
- CAD/CAM Software
- Coolant through spindle (CTS)
- Multiple user license with Sinutrain Software
- Job holding fixtures / pallets
- Special Tooling
- Air Conditioner for Panel