a) Standard Resistance :-
10 coils of 0.1 ohm each are
arranged on a rotary dial and a circular slidwire of total resistance
0.1 ohm and of 100 division is in series with the 10 coils. Each
division of the slide wire is equal to 0.001 ohm on the normal range.
1) Multiplying Ratio :-
A single rotary switch furnishes 3 multiplying ratios of x1, x0.1 and x0.01
2) Range of Measurement :-
1.1 to 0.00001 ohms on different ranges.
3) Maximum Current :- 2 amperes
4) Panel :- A
backlite panel enclosed in a teak wood box is used, Separate current
and potential terminals, battery and galvanometer terminals, push
buttons for battery and galvanometer are provided on the panel.
5) Accuracy :- + 0.1%
6) Coils :- Manganin Coils are used
b) Kelvin Double Bridge :-
Resistance in steps of 0.01 ohm in series with a calibratedslidewirs
100 divisions equal to 0.01, ohms Rotary type multiplier switch 0.01,
0.1, 1, 10 and 100 gives a range of measurement 0.000001 to 1.1 ohm.
c) Conductivity attachment :-
is an arrangement to hold Specimens in the form of wires rods, strips
etc. Distance between potential points is 500 mms, sparate current and
potential terminals are provided.
d) Industrial Kelvin Double Bridge:Standard resistance :
are 10 coils of 0.01 ohm each arranged on rotary dial plus a circular
slidewire of total resistance 0.01 ohm and 500 sub divisions. Each
sub-divison is equal to 0.00002 ohms on the normal range..