Ignition and Charging System.
The trainer is neatly laid out to represent the typical automobile ignition systems with distributor model, ignition coils, ignition circuit, alternator model, spark plugs model, camshaft and crankshaft sensor circuit and part of engine control unit (related to ignition system).
The unit should contains a circuit board with electronics components and micro-controller systems, system diagrams, power supply, electrical test leads, and student experiment manual presented in hard copy and pdf format.
The experiment exercise starts with relevant theory of engine ignition and charging systems and proceed to practical activities using the circuit board, multimeter and oscilloscope for observation, measurement and troubleshooting. Multimeter and oscilloscope is as an optional item. Manual provided, must clearly show the following educational Objectives are met.
Educational Objectives:
Recognize the principle of the PN transistor junction.
Understand the dwell angle and its effect to the spark ignition and engine performance.
Recognize the operating principle of the ignition coil.
Measure the resistance and voltage at the coil primary and secondary windings.
Diagnose faults in the contact breaker ignition system.
Recognize the operating principle of the transistor driver circuit for contact breaker ignition system.
Identify types of sensors required for the ECU to generate proper timing for spark ignitions.
Observe the waveform of an inductive pickup ignition circuit with an oscilloscope.
Identify the secondary wave patterns of each cylinder of a multi-cylinder engine.
Explain the function of mechanical commutator in a dynamo to rectify current.
Recognize the differences in construction and operating principle between the dynamo and alternator.
Diagnose faults in the rotor circuit.
Experiment manual.
Power cord.
Include Additional Items:
Computer Aided Instruction software which should be compatible with Class Room Management System. The CAI contains theory, presentation, workshop job-sheet and student activities with assessment questions.
Digital Multimeter