Some Practical Possibilities of the Unit:
1.- Load loss by friction in a rough pipe of 17 mm of interior diameter.
2.- Load loss by friction in a rough pipe of 23 mm of interior diameter.
3.- Load loss by friction in a smooth pipe of 6.5 mm of interior diameter.
4.- Load loss by friction in a smooth pipe of 16.5 mm of interior diameter.
5.- Load loss by friction in a smooth pipe of 26.5 mm of interior diameter.
6.- Influence of the diameter in the load loss by friction in rough pipes.
7.- Influence of the diameter in the load loss by friction in smooth pipes.
8.- Load loss by friction in smooth and rough pipes.
9.- Friction coefficient in a rough pipe of 17 mm of interior diameter.
10.- Friction coefficient in a rough pipe of 23 mm of interior diameter.
11.- Friction coefficient in a smooth pipe of 6.5 mm of interior diameter.
12.- Friction coefficient in a smooth pipe of 16.5 mm of interior diameter.
13.- Friction coefficient in a smooth pipe of 26.5 mm of interior diameter.
14.-Influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient in rough pipes.
15.- Influence of the diameter in the friction coefficient in smooth pipes.
16.- Friction coefficient in smooth and rough pipes.
17.- Load losses in the inclined seat valve.
18.- Load losses in the floodgate valve.
19.- Load losses in the filter.
20.- Load losses in the membrane valve.
21.- Load losses in an abrupt broadening.
22.- Load losses in the Venturi.
23.- Load losses in the diaphragm.
24.- Load losses in an abrupt contraction.
25.- Load losses in the accessories.
26.- Flow measurements by load loss in a Venturi.
27.- Flow measurements by load loss in a diaphragm.
28.- Flow measurements by means of load loss.
29.- Load losses in a symmetrical bifurcation.
30.- Load losses after two 90º elbows.
31.- Load losses in a T-junction.
32.- Load losses for a 90º elbows.
33.- Load losses on the ball valve.
34.- Load losses for an elbow of 45º.
35.- Load losses in a inclined T-junction.
36.- Study of laminar regime.
37.- Study of turbulent regime.
Other possible practices:
38.- Filling of the manometers.
39.- Universal graph for the pipe calculation. Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments manufacturers.