Flow Meter Demonstration.
[1] Selfâ€contained apparatus to demonstrate the characteristics of flowmeters used in measurement of water flow through pipes or open channels. [2] Special features: †service module with reservoir, volumetric measuring tank and pump †reference turbine flowmeter †metering devices available in various combinations to suit course work. [3] Selection from fourteen devices: †Venturi †orifice †Pitot †shunt gapmeter †swinging flap †volumetric rotary piston †electromagnetic †helical rotary †inferential multistream †current meter †broad crested weir †Crump weir †'H' flume †Washington flume [4] Quick and easy removal of test meters for evaluation and inspection
[5] Air entrainment facility [6] Meters can be used independently to support research or student project work [7] User instruction manual provides installation, commissioning and maintenance data, together with project exercises. [8] Demonstration capabilities †Comparing the use, application and limitations of various types of flowmeter †Comparing the accuracy of flowmeter readings †Considering the implications on flowmeter selection of performance, accuracy, convenience, cost and head loss †Understanding the principles on which different types of flowmeter are based †Relating pressure drop across a flowmeter to flow rate †Using manometers to measure pressure drop †Investigating the effect of air in the hydraulic stream on flowmeter performance †Understanding the application of Bernoulli's Theorem BB05/8