Some Practical Possibilities of the Unit:
1.- To
demonstrate the important characteristics of fourteen types of flow
meters used in the measurement of water flow through pipes or open
2.- Comparing the use, application and limitations of different types of flowmeters.
3.- To study the application of Bernoulli’s Theorem.
4.-Understanding the principles on which various types of flow meters are based.
5.-Implications of performance, convenience, accuracy, head loss, etc. on flow meters selection.
6.-Effect of the air in the hydraulic stream on flow meter performance.
7.- To use manometers to measure pressure drop.
8.- Relating pressure drop across a flow meter to flow rate.
9.-Measure error determination using the venturimeter.
10.- Factor Cd determination in the venturi.
11.- Strangulation determination in the venturi.
12.-Measure error determination using the orifice plate.
13.- Factor Cd determination in the orifice plate.
14.- Effective area determination in the orifice plate.
15.-Measure error determination using the Pitot tube.
16.- Factor Cd determination in the Pitot tube.
17.- Measure error using the swinging flap meter.
18.- Measure error using the rotary piston meter.
19.- Measure error using the shunt gapmeter.
20.- Energy loss comparison in the different meters.
21.-Measure error using the helical rotary type flowmeter.
22.- Measure error using the inferential multistream type flowmeter.
23.- Broad crested weir.
24.- Crump weir.
25.- “H” flume.
26.- Washington flume. Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments manufacturers.