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Fanuc 0iTF Maintenance Training Kits

Fanuc 0iTF Maintenance Training Kits


Fanuc 0iTF Maintenance Training Kits Description and Tender Specification:

Fanuc 0iTF Maintenance Training Kits.

Fanuc 0iTF Maintenance Training Kits.

CNC Maintenance kits are designed to provide hands on experience to CNC operators or application engineers. Basic function of these kits is to experiment with the electrical panel as well as the ladder diagram of CNC machines.

Participants are trained to solve most of the commonly occurring issues / problems in CNC controllers. It not only involves ladder design but also involves electrical circuit design and understanding. Basic arrangements are provided to distinguish three phase and single phase power supplies. It gives participants necessary confidence and basic understanding of the electrical control panel.

Primary target of the CNC Maintenance Kits is to equip maintenance engineers and CNC operators with necessary skillset to resolve most of the recurring problems in CNC machines.

Mechanical slides are also provided with maintenance kits which allow participants to have hands on experience with hardware related parameters
