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Endurance Tester For Electrical Lab Training

Endurance Tester For Electrical Lab Training


Endurance Tester For Electrical Lab Training Description and Tender Specification:

Endurance Tester For Electrical Lab Training.
Endurance Tester - For Electrical Lab Training The ability of an electric iron to give a sufficiently long working life is determined by supporting the iron under test on three metallic legs over a metal plate, pressing a thermocouple junction at the mid-point of its sole plate, and operating it at 1.15 times its rated input for 200 operating hours in cycles consisting of 11 hours On period and 1 hour Off period. The average temperature of the sole plate during this period is maintained at about 200°C for thermostatically controlled irons and between 205°C and 260°C for ordinary irons, the latter by appropriate cooling if necessary. At the end of the above test period, the iron is examined for its electric strength and exposure of any live parts caused by breakage or distortion of the enclosure. The Endurance Tester for electric irons consists of a control panel to provide single-phase supply at 1.15 times the rated input to the iron under test in cycles of 11 hour On period and 1 hour Off period, and a suitable support for placing the iron under test on during this period.
