Electricity and Electronic Fundamental Trainer, Component And Circuit Based PCB Modules.
This comprehensive course is presented in a systematic way starting the student out at the beginning covering basic theory and measurements with meters.
Topics of Experiments :
Electrical and Electronic symbols & schematic diagrams
Electricity/Electronic safety
Using the Multi meter
Series and Parallel Resistance Circuits
Voltage and Voltage Measurement
Measurement and Control of DC
Ohm's Law and the Series Circuit
The Parallel Circuit
Series-Parallel Circuits
Kirchoff's Laws
Thevenin's Theorem
Electricity and Magnetism
Alternating Current Measurement
Capacitive Reactance and Phase Measurement
Series RL and RC Circuit Characteristics
The Series Resonant Circuit
Parallel Resonance
Power in AC Circuits
Filter Circuits
Non linear Devices
Semi conductor Diodes
Diode Circuits
Power Supply Circuits
Junction Transistors
Common Emitter Amplifier Characteristics
The Emitter Follower Amplifier
Advanced Transistor Amplifier Circuits
Audio Amplifier Characteristics
Differential Amplifier
Field-Effect Transistors and Amplifiers
Linear Integrated Circuits
Op Amp Circuits
Multi vibrators
555 Timer
Large-Scale IC Signal Generation
Signal Control Circuits
Solid-State Switches
Digital IC Gate Circuits
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Digital-to-Analog Conversion
Digital IC Decoders
Base Station:
Student Base Station: This unit serves as the platform for carrying out the student experiments. Experiment modules are inserted into the base station and interconnected to the services provided by the base station through 2 mm sockets and test leads. The base station provides for all the primary needs of the experiment modules, and includes a variety of components such as the following:
Fixed regulated DC Power Supplies: +5V, +15V, -15V
Variable Regulated DC Power Supply 0 - 25V
Potentiometers: 4 units
Pulse Switches: 2 units
8 bits LED display.
Toggle Switches: 5 spdt
Speaker: 2.25 inch, 8 ohm/0.25w
One set of 2 mm stackable test leads to perform all required inter-connections.
Set of PCB Board Experiment Modules : The trainer comes with a complete set of experimental board modules that closely follows the courseware. Each module consists of a high quality epoxy coated fiber glass printed circuit board with the electronic components mounted on to the surface. Each board is printed with a clearly laid out silk screened schematic circuit or component diagram. The experiment boards are designed to be very educational and to reinforce the link between the theoretical and practical aspects. All the components and connections (PCB tracks) in each circuit are clearly visible and can be associated with the schematic diagram, nothing is hidden from view.
Sample Training experimental manual to be provided during the bidding process to ensure all experiments are met