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Distance Sensor

Distance Sensor


Distance Sensor Description and Tender Specification:

Distance Sensor This position sensor applies the principle of sonar and sends Ministerial Tender Board Equipment, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Lab Tenders Suppliers India.

Some ultrasound pulses; the system will calculate position, speed and acceleration of the objects reflecting the sound pulse, from the time spent by echo in coming back.
Charts of various types of motion, study of collisions, simple and damped harmonic motion; conservation of mechanical energy, momentum conservation, ratio between momentum and pulse.
The motion sensor emits a 40-kHz pulse package and waits for echo package reflected by the object whose position must be measured.
The time spent between the emitted package and the received echo, determines the distance of the object from the sensor.

40-kHz ultrasound sensor
Minimum detection distance: 2 cm
Maximum detection distance: 200 cm
Measurement resolution: 0.1 cm
Interface : digital 

Data Acquisition System Distance Sensor Manufacturer,Supplier and Distance Sensor Exporter in India
