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Deval Attrition Test Machine

Deval Attrition Test Machine


Deval Attrition Test Machine Description and Tender Specification:

Deval Attrition Test Machine.
Deval Attrition Test Machine Use: Aggregate resistance to abrasion, Rotating frame is driven by a motor/speed reducer and  an automatic counter is included to preset the required number of revolutions. Stored in enclosed area
NF P18-577 (1979)
Two steel cylinders complete with covers and locking device.
Rotating frame driven by a motor/speed reducer
Automatic counter which can be to preset the required number of revolutions.
Rotation speed: 33 rpm.
Power 736 W
Dimensions: 1500x500x700 mm
Weight approx.: 190 kg
Specimen size 4"maxi
load 0 to 56 KN.
Accuracy -+ 1%
