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Destructive Weld Tester

Destructive Weld Tester


Destructive Weld Tester Description and Tender Specification:

Destructive Weld Tester.
Destructive weld tester  The  Weld Tester is a destructive weld testing machine that incorporates compression, tensile, and bend testing in one complete unit. The W-50 is an invaluable asset to any training facility or commercial company that requires weld qualification. The W-50 can do all the destructive tests as specified by AWS, ASME, and API. The W-50 requires very little space since the unit sits horizontally. This machine is designed so the entire test procedure can be handled by one operator quickly and easily. Test capability FULL PIPE TENSILE TEST - Up to 1.5" Std. Pipe. Compress (flatten) pipe coupon ends to be held by thebinding jaws. Tensile (pull) up to 50,000 lbs.  between the two jaw sets. Maximum coupon length 12 inches. NICK-BREAK TENSILE TEST - Either pipe or flat bar can be forced to break by 'nicking' the weldment at the intended break line. This is a visual evaluation test. GUIDED ROLLER BEND TEST - All bend tests are possible (Root, Face, Side Bends). Two bend test diameters are supplied. The 1.5" Diameter plunger tests coupons up to .375" x  2" x approx. 8" with a material yield strength of 50K PSI or less. The 3.5" Diameter Collet over the plunger tests coupons up to .50" x 2" x approx. 8" with a material yield strength of 80K PSI or less. Dimensions:5' X 10" X 20" HShipping Weight:410 lbs. Volts/Amps:115/12.8 Horsepower:one Max. pull:50,000 psiMax.  coupon length:12 inches
