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Crockmeter For Testing Lab

Crockmeter For Testing Lab


Crockmeter For Testing Lab Description and Tender Specification:

Crockmeter For Testing Lab Workshop.
Crockmeter - For Testing Lab The determination of colourfastness of vinyl coated fabrics against rubbing in both dry and wet conditions is carried out by means of a crockmeter. In this test a rectangular test specimen is clamped over a glass plate, which is then given a reciprocating motion in a horizontal plane, while a white cotton abradant fabric mounted over an abrading peg of the specified shape rubs against it under a specified load. The degree of colour transferred from the test specimen to the abradant fabric determines its colourfastness.   This equipment can also be used for the determination of adhesion of prints on vinyl coated fabrics and unsupported flexible PVC sheetings. The rubbing off of the printed pattern gives a measure of the print adhesion of the material.   The  Crockmeter for determination of colourfastness and print adhesion of vinyl coated fabrics and unsupported flexible PVC sheetings consists of a horizontal reciprocating platform which can be moved in a horizontal plane and a pivoted loading arm for holding the abradant fabric against the test specimen under the specified load.  civil lab equipments manufacturers
