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Crockmeter For Testing Lab

Crockmeter For Testing Lab


Crockmeter For Testing Lab Description and Tender Specification:

Crockmeter For Testing Lab Workshop.
Crockmeter - For Testing Lab One of the tests for determination of colorfastness of piled fabrics and floor coverings is the crocking test. This test is used for the determination of colorfastness against rubbing, either under dry or under wet conditions. In this test a moving rectangular-shaped brass crock block of specified dimensions rubs against the test specimens under a fixed load. The amount of colour lost by the test specimen and the amount of color transferred to a piece of abradant fabric fixed over the base of the crock block are graded with the help of standard grey scales to evaluate the color fastness of the sample under test against rubbing.   The Crockmeter (motor operated) consists of a rigid flat metallic platform on which the test specimen can be held firmly and an abrading crock block that rubs against it under a specified load. The platform is fixed over the base of the equipment and lies in a horizontal plane. The test specimen is held firmly over an abrasive paper, which is pasted on the upper face of the platform, with two flat plates holding it at its ends. civil lab equipments manufacturers
