CAT NO: DIDACTICTheory of Machine0007
Coriolis Component of Acceleration
Our prominence in this domain expertise has helped us come up with Coriolis Component of Acceleration.
This entire set up is designed to study various corioli's components of
a slider crank mechanism. In this process the continuous stream of
water which is flowing through a steady rotating pair of tubes replaces
mechanical slider system. The tubes of the system can be easily rotated
in various speeds with the usage of a swinging field motor which also
serves a dynamometer. There is a Perspex window located on the top of
the tank. This window assures complete clear view of the process. It
also prevents the splashing of water over the side of the tank. The
in-built dynamometer continuously measures the torque which is applied
to the various rotating tubes. This entire equipment is self-contained.
The re-circulating of the water is assisted with a own speed control
unit and water circulating pump which is separate.
Scope Of Experimentations:
To determine Corioli's Component of Acceleration at various speeds of rotation and water flow rates
Utilities Required:
0.5 kW, 220 V, Single Phase
Water Supply
Technical Details:
Swinging field type, variable speed
The whole set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted structure
Fabricated out of stainless steel
Rotating arms
9mm/6mm orifice diameter, length 300 mm
250 to 2500 LPH
Electric motor
Main tank
Control Panel comprises of:
Speed control unit
Standard make On/Off switch, mains indicator
RPM indicator with proximity sensor
RPM measurement
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