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Computer Controlled Multipump Testing Bench.- Engineering Lab Training Systems

Computer Controlled Multipump Testing Bench.- Engineering Lab Training Systems


Computer Controlled Multipump Testing Bench.- Engineering Lab Training Systems Description and Tender Specification:

Exercises and Practical Possibilities to be done with Main Items 1.-Determination of the flow by a weir of thin wall in U-shape. 2.-Determination of unloading coefficient of a weir of thin wall in a U-shape. 3.-Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. for the centrifugal pump. 4.-Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. for the peripherical pump. 5.-Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. for the gear pump. 6.-Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. for the axial pump. 7.-Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. for the centrifugal pump. 8.-Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. for the peripherical pump. 9.-Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. for the gear pump. 10.-Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. for the axial pump. 11.-Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. for the centrifugal pump. 12.-Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. for the gear pump. 13.-Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. for the peripherical pump. 14.-Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. for the axial pump. 15.-Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. for the centrifugal pump.           16.-Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. for the peripherical pump. 17.-Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. for the gear pump. 18.-Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. for the axial pump. 19.-Determination of the map of a centrifugal pump. 20.-Determination of the map of a peripherical pump. 21.-Determination of the map of a gear pump. 22.-Determination of the map of an axial pump. 23.-Determination of the adimenssional characteristic curves for different types of pumps. 24.-Determination of the specific speed of different types of pumps. 25.-Verification of the similarity rules for pumps of different geometry. Additional practical possibilities: 26.-Sensors calibration. Other possibilities to be done with this Unit: 27.-Many students view results simultaneously. To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic blackboard. 28.-Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control. This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the span, gains; proportional, integral, derivate parameters; etc in real time. 29.-The Computer Control System with SCADA allows a real industrial simulation. 30.-This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and electronic, and software safety devices. 31.-This unit can be used for doing applied research. 32.-This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions. 33.-Control of the PBOC unit process through the control interface box without the computer. 34.-Visualization of all the sensors values used in the PBOC unit process. - By using PLC-PI additional 19 more exercises can be done. - Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.                            Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments manufacturers.
