Compression Tester For Rigid Non-Metallic Conduits For Electrical Lab Training.
Compression Tester For Rigid Non-Metallic Conduits - For Electrical Lab Training
Conduits used in electrical installations shall possess adequate
mechanical strength. One of the tests used for ascertaining the
mechanical strength of conduits is the compression test. In this test, a
test specimen taken from the sample of conduit under test is placed on a
rigid flat surface and pressed from top with the help of a metallic
cube. A specified load is applied on the conduit under test through the
metallic cube and the reduction in diameter of the conduit determined.
The load is then released and the recovery in the diameter is
determined. The value of percentage deflection under load and percentage
recovery after release of load are calculated and compared against
specified values to evaluate the performance of the conduit under the
action of compressive loads.
TheCompression Tester For Rigid Non-Metallic
electrical conduits consists of a rigid platform for placing the test
specimen on, an arrangement for compressing the conduit manually with
the help of a hand-wheel and a screw arrangement, and a compression
spring to apply the load on the conduit under test.
Technical data :
Maximum compressive load : 150 kg
Dimensions of metallic cube : 50 x 50 mm
Length of test specimens : 200 mm