Cold Impact Tester For Testing Lab Workshop.
Cold Impact Tester - For Testing Lab
Sometimes the cables have to be laid in the area of low temperature
climatic condition or frost. Due to constant exposure of cables to low
temperature or frost conditions, the insulation or sheath of the cables
becomes hard and brittle. Any impact on the surface of the sheath or
cable under these conditions may fracture the insulation, thus making it
weak or causing it to fail.
The suitability of the
insulation material against low temperature brittleness is determined
with the help of an impact test conducted on the cable maintained at a
specified low temperature. In this test, the cooled cable is placed on
an anvil inside a cold chamber and an indentor dropped on its upper
surface to give it a specified impact. The effect of impact is then
checked to evaluate the quality of the cable insulation.
The Cold Impact Tester for
cables consists of a rigid steel frame having a solid steel anvil and a
support to hold an aluminium pipe, and an indentor, which can be
dropped vertically from a specified height on to the top of the cable.
The test is carried out at a specified sub-zero temperature inside a
deep freezer
civil lab equipments manufacturers