Centre Of Pressure Apparatus.
Centre Of Pressure Apparatus
The water is contained in a plexiglass
quadrant whose geometrical curved side axes coincide with a measuring
beam. The moment is determined by adding or removing weights to the arm.
The head of water is read directly on the transparent scale to within 2
Teaching objectives
Measurements of the centre of pressure of a vertical plane surface at different depths.
Study of the general case of a plane surface inclined at different angles, and at different depths.
Technical specifications
Quadrant: inner radius: 100 mm – outer radius: 200 mm – width: 75 mm.
One face graduated between 0 and 30°.
Fixed scale.
Indicates horizontal and vertical beam position.
Scale graduated to 200 mm below, and to 40 mm above the horizontal axis in intervals of 2 mm.
Balance arm radius: 203 mm.
The unit is supplied complete with base,
weight carriers and one set of weights, and with a technical bulletin
providing typical test results.
Dimensions and weight
430 x 150 x 330 mm.
Net weight : 5,9 kg
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