Central Door Locking Trainer.
CENTRAL DOOR LOCKING TRAINER Pin out facility on all electrical
using 02mm sockets enabling real-time values to be taken without
compromising the
wiring harness Based on a Vauxhal I/Opel Vectra B Fitted with
manufacturer s diagnostic socket
(16 pin) Board mounted in a vertical frame with
castors Powder coated paint finish Supply voltages, 12 volts DC Supplied
with a comprehensive training
mannal CE Certification
Dimensions: Wl 300mm x LSOOmm x H1350mm
Weight: 120Kg, CAD/CAM LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS, educational cnc milling
machines manufacturers, educational cnc LATHE machines manufacturers,
Strength of Material Testing equipment supplier, mechanical engineering
laboratory equipments suppliers, soil, bitumen, concrete testing, civil
engineering laboratory equipments suppliers