Capacity Box Dial Type.
Capacity Box Dial Type Science LabsNaugra Export is Manufacturer,
Exporter & Supplier of Capacity Box Dial Type
a) Single Dial Capacity Box :
High grade paper condensers of accurate value housed in wrinkled metal
case in one dial each consisting of ten steps.
Sub Division Mfd.
1) 0.001
2) 0.01
3) 0.1
4) 1
b) Two Dial Capacity Box :-
Consisting of 20 steps
1) 0.001 and 0.01
2) 0.01 and 0.1
3) 0.1 and 1
c) Three Dial Capacity Box :-
Consisting of 30 steps
1) 0.001, 0.01 and 0.1
2) 0.01, 0.1 and 1
d) Four Dial Capacity Box :-
Consisting of 40 steps
0.001, 0.01, 01 and 1
e) Wein’s Bridge :-
The instrument is designed for measurement of capacitance according to
Wein’s method w/o headphone
f) Wein’s Series Resistance Bridge :-
Comprising panel with resistance decade dials, Audio oscillator 1000
c/s. 3 dial decade condensor box & headphone.
g) De-Sauty Bridge :-
It is a simple form of bridge giving maximum accuracy while comprising
capacitance in terms of resistance. Three decade dials x10, x100 and
x1000 ohms. Form one arm. The other arm has also decade dials of x10,
x100 & x1000 ohms. A special Morse Key to fitted in the centre of
the arms Connecting the battery & galvanometer.