Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus.
Naugra Exports is Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus
Technical Description
Bomb Calorimeter Outfit provide a simple and inexpensive method for
determination of heat of combustion of organic matter and the calorific
value & sulphur content of solid & liquid fuel. The outfit
supplied is complete for analysis as per the method recommended by
British Standard Institution . All parts of the outfit have been
finished and tested according to the specification laid down by
Institute of petroleum and British Standard Institute. It comes with all
essential accessories like, Bomb, Calorimeter vessel with bomb support,
water jacket, stirrer, electronic firing unit with digital backman
thermometer etc
Testing of Bomb :
Each Bomb is tested before it leaves the factory in accordance with the
requirement of the Institute of Petroleum and a works certificate is
issued with each Bomb. This certificate gives the results of hydraulic
testing under a pressure of 300 atmospheres (4400 p.s.i) maintained for a
period of ten minutes without sign of leakage. The maximum deformation
must not exceed the specified limits.
Calorimeter Vessel :
The vessel is made of copper and is Chromium plated or S.S. It includes a
Bomb support that ensures proper positioning of Bomb in the vessel.
Water Jacket :
The outer container of Jacket is made of copper and is chromium plated
both inside and outside or S.S. The is closed by an ebonite cover. A
terminal block is fitted to the of the container so that connection can
be made from the firing control.
Offset Stirrer :
The stirring mechanism supplied gives sufficient turbulence for
effective stirring whilst no heat is imparted to the calorimeter water.
It consists of an impeller stirrer driven at a constant speed of
approximately 800 r.p.m. The offset arrangement whereby the motor drives
the impeller via a belt precludes any possibility of heat transference
between motor and calorimeter Vessel Contents.
Electronic Firing Unit with Digital Backman Thermometer :
For firing a calorimeter Bomb AC supply main (230 Volts 50 Cycles). It
consists of two parts Viz Electrical Box and Electronic Box for Digital
Thermometer reading. The Electrical Box is provided with socket for
stirrer and terminals for the fuse wire. The unit has provision for test
of firing wire resistance or open circuit. A left hand side bulb
indicate the continuity while right hand side bulb indicates the open
circuit (firing).
Crucible :
Various types of crucible are available the standard supplied with the
outfit being a stainless steel crucible of 8 ml capacity which fits in
the standard support ring provided with the outfit.
Oil and Petroleum Testing Instruments Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Oil and Petroleum Testing Instruments Lab suppliers