Binary Pump.
Binary Pump
Binary PumpInfinity Binary Pump Maximum pressure 600 bar includes binary
pump, column, connecting capillaries, solvent cabinet and CAN cable.
Flow precision: <0.07% RSD, or – 0.02 min SD whatever is greater,
based on retention time at constant room temperature
Flow accuracy: ± 1 % or 10 µL/min whatever is greater
Range: Set points from 0.001 to 5.0 ml/min, in 0.001 ml/min increments
Pressure operating range: 0-40 MPa (0-600 bar, 0-5880 psi)
Pulsation: <2% amplitude (typically <1%) at 1 ml/min isopropanol
at all pressures >1 MPa (> 10bar, >147 psi)
Compressibility compensation: User selectable, based on mobile phase
Gradient Delay volume: 180-480µl (600-900 µl with mixer)
Dependent on back pressure
Composition precision: <0.15% RSD, 1mL/min
Composition accuracy: <0.5% absolute
Recommended pH range: 1.0-12.5 Solvent with pH<2.3 should not contain
acids which attack steel
GLP features: Electronic records of maintenance and errors.
Early maintenance feedback (EMF) for continuous tracking of instrument
usage, display of feedback messages if preset limits are exceeded high
pressure mixing for microbore and standard columns