Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration.
Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration
The Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration accessory illustrates those
circumstances to which Bernoulli’s Theorem may be applied. Also,
separately, why in other circumstances the theorem gives an inadequate
description of the fluid behavior. The setup consists of a venture tube
manufactured from clear acrylic with 7 pressure measuring points across
the length. These tapings are connected to a manometer bank for
measurement of static head at each point. Flow measurement using venturi
meter can be studied & the discharge coefficient can be determined.
Experimental Cpabilities -
Demonstrating Bernoulli's Theorem and its limitations.
Directly measuring the static and total head distribution along a Venturi tube.
Determining the meter coefficient at various flow rates.
Max. angle of heel: ±13°
Manometer range: 0 to 300mm
Number of manometer tubes: 8
Throat diameter: 10.0mm
Upstream diameter: 25.0mm
Upstream taper: 14°
Downstream taper: 21°