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Bending Device For Flexible Non Metallic Corrugated For Electrical Lab Training

Bending Device For Flexible Non Metallic Corrugated For Electrical Lab Training


Bending Device For Flexible Non Metallic Corrugated For Electrical Lab Training Description and Tender Specification:

Bending Device For Flexible Non Metallic Corrugated For Electrical Lab Training.
Bending Device For Flexible Non Metallic Corrugated - For Electrical Lab Training The flexible conduits are generally used for covering loose cables joining a fixed supply point to a fixed equipment or machinery. These may be made either from metallic or non-metallic materials. In either of the cases these conduits should be sufficiently flexible, so as to be able to bend to the specified radius without breaking. The ability of non-metallic flexible conduit to bend upto the desired degree is checked by bending it through four cycles of reverse bending through ninety degree over cylindrical mandrels having the specified radii. After that, the whole assembly is rotated by 45º and the specified gauge should be able to pass through the conduit under its own weight. The Bending Device for Flexible Non-Metallic Corrugated Conduits consists of an arrangement to fix two mandrels of specified radii fixed in a manner that there is a gap equal to the diameter of the conduit between them. A bush is provided to clamp the conduit under test. The arrangement is provided to ensure 90º bending around both the mandrel and to hold the conduit bent at 90º around one of the mandrel at the end of the bending operation. The whole assembly can be rotated by 45º manually, to facilitate passing of the appropriate gauge. (The gauge is not supplied with the equipment).
