Advanced Digital Ic Trainer
10 nos. of TTL compatible logic level inputs.
TTL logic selectable by a toggle switch.
Logic HIGH and logic LOW are displayed by dual color LED. n Four crystal generated clock output of 1MHz, 1KHz, 10Hz, and 1Hz.
Facility for single pulse generation by a push button switch.
Logic probe to check logic LOW, logic HIGH and pulse.`
Four seven segment displays with BCD inputs.
Facility of segment control on two displays.
Sockets on board to fix the IC's : 16 pin-4nos., 20 pin-2 nos., 28 pin-6 nos., 40 pin-2 nos.
2 nos. of 14 pin general purpose area provided for soldering discrete components.
Two nos. of 26 pin connectors for input/output connection with Microprocessor kit through 8255.
Built-in Power supply : 5V/1.2Amp.
User's manual and 2mm patch chords..
Advanced Digital Ic Trainer
10 nos. of TTL compatible logic level inputs.
TTL logic selectable by a toggle switch.
Logic HIGH and logic LOW are displayed by dual color LED. n Four crystal generated clock output of 1MHz, 1KHz, 10Hz, and 1Hz.
Facility for single pulse generation by a push button switch.
Logic probe to check logic LOW, logic HIGH and pulse.`
Four seven segment displays with BCD inputs.
Facility of segment control on two displays.
Sockets on board to fix the IC's : 16 pin-4nos., 20 pin-2 nos., 28 pin-6 nos., 40 pin-2 nos.
2 nos. of 14 pin general purpose area provided for soldering discrete components.
Two nos. of 26 pin connectors for input/output connection with Microprocessor kit through 8255.
Built-in Power supply : 5V/1.2Amp.
User's manual and 2mm patch chords.