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8085 Microprocessor Trainer

8085 Microprocessor Trainer


8085 Microprocessor Trainer Description and Tender Specification:

8085 Microprocessor Trainer.
Intel 8085A CPU @ 6.144 MHz Clock Speed. RAM : 8KB expandable to 32KB, Jumper selectable. EPROM : 8KB expandable to 32KB, Jumper selectable. 3 Channel 16 bit counter / timer terminated in a 10 Pin Connector. 48 TTL I/O Lines, terminated at 26 pin FRC connector. RS232C Compatible serial Port terminated in a 9 Pin "D" Male Connector. One VXT Bus (50 Pin FRC Connector) for interfacing. Interrupts, SID and SOD are terminated in a separate 5 Pin Connector.
