8051 Microcontroller Training Kit Cum Emulator For Electrical Lab Training.
8051 Microcontroller Training Kit Cum Emulator With In-built Power Supply
Based on 8031/8051 microcontroller operating at 10/12Mhz clock frequency
31/51P comprises of four components viz., a) Microcontroller Kit b)
In-circuit Emulator c) MBUG Symbolic Debugger d) MBUG Cross Assembler
8K Emulation Memory expandable upto 48K.
Onboard battery backup for 8K emulation memory
8K byte of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program
48 I/O lines using 2 nos. of 8255.
16 bit timer/counter using 8253.
32 keys keyboard and Six Digit Seven Segment display.
8 LEDs for displaying contents of registers and two LEDs for current emulation memory
8 channel 8 bit A/D Converter using ADC 0809.
Single channel D/A Converter using DAC 0800.
40 pin Header with cable for connecting the target system.
RS232 port for serial communication with IBM-PC/XT/AT.
Software commands like Break- point, Single Stepping, Trace, Go, Print,
Fill, Display, Compare, Scalar, Auto, Match, Non-match, Origin, Memory
Zoom, Select Emulate, Com
Uploading & Downloading of files from/to PC.
Onboard assembler/disassembler.
In-built Power Supply
User's Manual.