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8051 Microcontroller Trainer

8051 Microcontroller Trainer


8051 Microcontroller Trainer Description and Tender Specification:

Electronics 8051 Microcontroller Trainer.

8051 Microcontroller Trainer

MCU: ATMEL 89S52 @11.0592MHz, 40 pin FIR Package 8051-compatible microcontroller chips, Memory: 32kB RAM, 32KB monitor ROM 250bytes on-chip RAM, GPIO: 8255 PPI, P1, P3, Display: 16x2 Text LCD, Keypad: 28-key, 16-HEX key, 12-functio key, ADC: LTC1298, MCP3202, 2-channel 12-bit resolution, RTC: DS1307 I2C interface real time clock with +3V Lithium Battery EEPROM: 32kB 24LC256, Temperature sensor: DS1820, RELAY: 10A 250VAC relay with NO-C-NC terminal, Serial port: 9600 RS232 and RS485, Optional keyboard: PS2 interface connector. The monitor software features: Enter hex code directly using the 16-key hex key, Single step running with user registers display, Run user code full speed, Display code and data memory, Offset byte calculation for relative addressing mode, Insert byte and delete byte, Clear code memory, Quick home location key
