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Pressure Leaf Filters Manufacturer and Suppliers India

Pressure Leaf Filters Manufacturers India - Laboratory Supplies - Pressure Leaf Filters, Workshop Machines, Lathe Machine, Milling Machine Manufacturers Ministerial Tender Board Equipment, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Lab Tenders Suppliers India Engineering Technical Training and School Lab Kits Tenders Macau, Maldives, Brunei, DR Congo, Ivory Coast, Suppliers China, Pressure Leaf Filters China Suppliers School Science Didactic Lab Equipments Suppliers India, Pressure Leaf Filters Manufacturers in India, Pressure Leaf Filters Exporters in India, Pressure Leaf Filters Suppliers in India, Pressure Leaf Filters Leading Manufacturers in Ambala India, Pressure Leaf Filters for School Didactic Lab and Science School Didactic Lab Tenders from Ambala India Manufacturer and Suppliers

Pressure Leaf Filters

Pressure Leaf Filters 1-100m2 filtration area offered in vertical and horizontal models. Stainless steel filter elements, hence no repetitive cost, washing and maintenance of filter cloth. Filtration rates are 2-3 times higher on same filter area of plate and frame type filter. Automatic cake discharge with mechanical or pneumatic vibrator and optional spray nozzle for wet cake discharge. Ideal replacement for plate and frame filter. Closed system, no maintenance due to SS filtration mesh, low retention of oil, less occupancy of space etc. Very low % of unfiltered liquid retention in cake. Simple and economical bottom opening with 100% opening and optional butterfly valve for vertical PLF Closed pressurized operating system hence no spillage and loss of liquid, which helps in handling volatile / inflammable liquids and clean working environment. Pressure leaf filter can be completely automated with no human intervention. Applications: Edible oil Industry: Bleached, winterized, deodorized, hydrogenated, fractionized oil, dewaxing, catalyst, mineral oil. Beverage Industry: For glucose, fruit juice, cold drinks, sugar, vinegar. Chemical Industry: For organic & inorganic salts, dyes, chemicals, plastizers, sulphur, copper.. Pharma Industry: For pharmaceutical, intermediates, syrup, bulk drugs, antibiotics, intravenous solution. In Petrochemical Industry: Crude oil, LPG, lubricating oil, sulphur....

Product Code: DIDACTICLABPressure Leaf Filters0001
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Catalog Link: https://www.didacticlabequipments.com/pressure-leaf-filters-9361

